Tuesday, March 24, 2020

首部家庭冠状病毒应急法案 (H.R.6201)

首部家庭冠状病毒应急法案在2020318日正式签署为法律,并将于202042日至20201231日生效. 该法案要求雇员不超过500人的雇主向有资格获得新冠病毒休假福利的雇员提供14周的带薪家庭医疗假以及紧急带薪病假(其中可以不带薪的是10天)。

I.                紧急带薪家庭医疗假法案

1.     假期时长:  不超过12.

2.     符合条件的雇员: 雇员必须为其雇主工作至少30个公历日。

3.     休假原因:  因新冠病毒学校关闭或无其他托儿服务的,导致雇员需要照顾其未成年孩子而无法工作或远程工作。

4.     符合条件的雇主: 雇员不超过500人的雇主和政府部门。

5.     带薪假支付安排: 假期前10天可为无薪假期,但雇员可以选择在这段时间内以其已累积的假期、个人假期或病假来替代这10天的无薪假期。之后雇员可以继续享用 该假期最多十 (10)周,雇主必须支付雇员至少其正常工资三分之二(2/3)的工资,但不能超过每天200美元,总计不超过10000美元。

6.     复职: 通常,休假的雇员有权恢复其在休假开始前的职位。但雇员人数少于25人的中小型雇主在符合特定条件下可免于此规定。

7.     通知要求: 在任何情况下,凡可预见有需要根据本法案休假的,雇员须向雇主提供切实可行的通知。

II.             紧急带薪病假法案

1.     假期时长:全职雇员不超过80小时,兼职雇员的工作时数计算将基于其过去两周内的工作小时数。

2.     休假原因: 当雇员基于以下原因无法工作或远程工作的,

a.      因新冠病毒而受到政府的检疫或隔离命令。
b.     因新冠病毒而被医疗服务人员建议自我隔离。
c.      出现新冠病毒的症状,且正在寻求医疗诊断。
d.     正在照顾受到政府检疫或隔离命令的或者被医疗服务人员建议自我隔离的人。
e.      需要照顾因新冠病毒而关闭学校或托儿服务的子女。
f.      正在经历经卫生公共服务部、劳工部、以及财政部协商后所指定的的与其基本相似的情况。

3.     符合条件的雇主: 雇员不超过500人的雇主以及政府部门。

4.     符合条件的雇员:任何为雇主工作的雇员。医疗服务提供者或者应急工作方可选择不考虑其雇员有权申请此带薪假。

5.     假期支付安排:

a.      2.a-2.c所述原因休假的雇员,必须按其正常工资支付工资,但不能超过每天511美元,总计不超过5110美元。
b.     如因2.d-2.f原因休假的雇员,其必须获得正常工资的三分之二(2/3)的补偿,但每天不能超过200美元,总计不超过2000美元。

6.     雇主的其他休假政策:雇主必须允许雇员在雇主提供的任何其他带薪假期之前使用本法规定的紧急带薪病假。因此,根据本法,雇主不能要求雇员在使用此紧急带薪病假前使用公司的其他带薪病假、带薪假期、或假期。

7.     本法禁止雇主:

8.  雇主须在工作地点显眼处张贴告示。通知范例将由美国劳工部在2020325日前发布。

9.  通知要求: 雇主可以要求雇员遵循合理的通知程序以在获得带薪病假的第一个工作日后继续领取福利。




This Family First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law on March 18, 2020 and will be effective on April 2, 2020 throughout Dec. 31, 2020. The Act mandates employers with 500 employees or less to provide 14 weeks of Paid Family and Medical Leave, as well as Emergency Paid Sick Leave to an employee qualifies for receiving the leave benefit due to COVID-19 (only 10 days can be unpaid). 

I.                Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act

1.     Period: up to 12 weeks.

2.     Eligible Employee: He has been on payroll for at least 30 calendar days.

3.     Reasons for leave:  He is unable to work or telework in order to care for minor child(ren) due to school closure or unavailability of childcare provider resulting from COVID-19.

4.     Eligible Employer: An employer with fewer than 500 employees and government employer.

5.     Payment: The first 10 days can be unpaid leave and an employee can opt to substitute accrued vacation, personal or sick leave during this time. The employee may continue to take the leave up to ten (10) weeks, an employee must receive at least two-thirds (2/3) of his regular pay up to $200 per day and $10,000 in total.

6.     Job Restoration: Generally, an employee who take such leave is entitled to be restored to the position he held when leave commenced. However, smaller employers with less than 25 employees may be excepted when certain conditions are met.

7.     Notice requirement: In any case where the necessity for leave under this section is foreseeable, an employee shall provide the employer with such notice as is practicable.

II.             Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act

1.     Period: Up to 80 hours for full time employee and the number of hours for a part time worker will be his hours worked in a two-week period.

2.     Reason for Leave: when an employee is unable to work or telework when he is:

a.      Subject to a government order for quarantine or isolation because of COVID-19.
b.     Advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine because of COVID-19.
c.      Has symptoms of COVID-19 and is seeking a medical diagnosis.
d.     is caring for someone who is subject to a government quarantine or isolation order or has been advised by a health care provider to quarantine or self-isolation.
e.      Need to care for a son or daughter whose school or childcare service is closed due to COVID-19.
f.      Is experiencing substantially similar conditions as specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Secretaries of Labor and Treasury. 

3.     Eligible Employer: An employer with fewer than 500 employees and government employers.

4.     Eligible Employee: Any employee who works for an employer. Health care providers or emergency responders may elect to exclude their employees from application of this leave.

5.     Payment:

a.      For leave taken for reasons 2.a – 2.c, the employee must be paid at his regular rate up to $511 per day and $5,110 in total.
b.     For leave taken for reasons 2.d – 2.f, the employee must be compensated at two-thirds (2/3) of his regular rate up to $200 per day and $2,000 in total.

6.     Employer’s other leave policies: Employers must permit employees to use the Emergency Paid Sick Time in this Act before any other paid leave provided by the employer. Therefore, an employer cannot require the employee to use company’s paid sick leave, PTO, or vacation time before the use of sick time under this Act.

7.     An employer cannot:
(a)    Require an employee to find a replacement to cover his or her scheduled work hours.
(b)    Retaliate against any employee who takes leave in accordance with this Act.
(c)    Retaliate against an employee who files a complaint or participates in a proceeding related to this Act.
8.     Post requirement: Employers are required to post a notice in a conspicuous place in the workplace. Notice model will be posted by DOL by March 25, 2020.

9.     Notice procedure: An employer can require workers to follow reasonable notice procedures to continue receiving the benefit after the first workday that an employee receives paid sick time.

1.  Employers should track the time to take advantage of the tax credits associated with these leaves.

If you have any questions or inquires please contact Attorney Connie Dai at 617-232-7503 or connie@cutlerlegal.com.